Thursday, 22 August 2013

Minolta X300 Sample Images. It works!

Reflections.  Shot with Minolta X300. Fujifilm Superia 200. Scanned negative desaturated in Aviary.

Roll number 1 of Fujifilm Superia 200 was run through the X300.  The good new is that it seems to be working well.  I shot the test roll in falling light with the apature set mostly wide open to get a good shutter speed.

Now I know it works it's time to get my concepts together and go out and shoot a few rolls of Ilford black and white.

Here are a few other function test shots as developed from the lab no edits.

I have a roll of film from the Yashica Electro in the lab at the moment.  Fingers crossed it works too.

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